Sunday 27 April 2014

Why Cats and Dogs Can't Get Along

It has been described in mass media from cartoons, books, and movies. Cats and dogs are not meant for each other. But why is that? Is there any particular reason for it to happen.

                                                                                              take that!

Cat Urine - Can It Kill You?

There is question whether cat's urine is poisonous. It arises from the fact that cat is a prime predator for mice and rats. It is known that rodents are vector of Leptospirosis, which is a deadly infection. It came from bacteria known as Lectospira type. Symptoms can range from none to mild such as headaches, muscles pains, and fevers to severe with bleeding from the lungs or meningitis. 

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Top 13 Biggest and Fattest Cat In The World

How do you feel when you have an enormous cat? Are you proud or worried? There are cats that can grow to a very large size. It depend on their breed. That is normal. Species such as Siberian Forest Cat and Norwegian Forest Cat can grow like that. How if your cat grows larger than its normal size. Maybe you will go panic. Whatever it is, if your cat is living a healthy life, it is okay for them. So, without further ado, this is the largest and fattest cat list. not in any order of preferences


A 48.5-Inch cat holds records for the longest domestic cat in the world and the world's longest cat tail. Unfortunately, Stewie passed away in February 2013 due to cancer.


Tuesday 22 April 2014

How Did Cat Learn To Beg For Food?

The answer is they dont. It is in their nature to do so. Human and cats share similar driving factor, which is hunger. When human feel hungry, they will search for food. When cat is hungry, they will beg for food. 

But are cats always hungry when they beg for food? Study shows that cats may beg for food even though they are not hungry. The cause is from psychological aspect where the cat has been obsessed with food. Sounds familiar right? It shows that even cat can shares human enthusiasm towards food. 

Monday 21 April 2014

Why do Women Fear Cats?

I have met 4 of my friends that  have a tendency to be frighten whey they saw a cat. They fear it as it will do any harms to them. Some of them said that they are not afraid but they just feel that it's really gross. Seriously? 

                                                       Do you really think that this creature is scary or gross?

Top 15 Cats On The Internet

Cat characters are usually characters that we will really love, or at least to the cat lovers. With their shiny eyeballs, who can resist them. But, there are few of them that have quirky personality for some reason, to match the plot of the story or just to make it memorable to the audiences. For any reason though, I present to you, 15 characters that topped the list on the Internet. not in any order of preferences.